Saturday, June 30, 2007
Will You Go?

Church On The Hill

What an idylic setting! Wouldn't you love to walk up that road to church on Sunday morning to worship the King!
Thanks for this great shot, Debra. Please wave as we drive by on Monday afternoon!
Goodbye June

Everything is sooooo green these days although we do need some rain.
I hate to say "goodbye" to the month of June but, as I write, there are only 45 minutes left here in the Eastern time zone until July makes her entrance and June is history.
The summer months fly past...way too fast! I wish we could have those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer again when time stands still. But it doesn't!
Hope you have a great summer, dear friends!
Tomorrow is Canada Day north of the border. We will be celebrating Canada's 140th birthday (I think).
On Wednesday we will be south of the border and will join our American friends in celebrating the 4th of July.
Good night, friends! Rest in God's gentle embrace! He holds you in the hollow of His hands!
Proud Grandpa
Looking Back...60 Years

Here's one of me when I was a little over a year old. I was born July 9th, 1945 and the picture was taken October 27th, 1946. That's over 60 years ago.
I often wonder if I'd like to go back and start over again. Honestly, I don't think I would. My childhood years were filled with good times which have given me many happy memories. I think that children these days face a lot more challenges than we ever did.
Do I look like I'm worrying in this photo? Not a chance! Our family was not wealthy by any means but I was clothed, fed, nurtured and loved. Fond memories!
So why do I find myself worrying these days...60 years later? God has not changed. My circumstances certainly have but He remains faithful.
I'm grateful that we serve a great God, the giver of every good and perfect gift. One of my favorite scripture verses is found in the epistle of James. "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variableness, neither shadow of turning." - James 1: 17 (KJV)
We serve a God we can depend on and trust in. He doesn't waver! He is changeless! He is faithful!
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Praying BIG
"Let us then fearlessly and confidently and boldly draw near to the throne of grace (the throne of God's unmerited favor to us sinners), that we may receive mercy [for our failures] and find grace to help in good time for every need [appropriate help and well-timed help, coming just when we need it]." - Hebrews 4:16 (The Amplififed Bible)
Greetings, dear Pilgrim Pals! Two weeks ago I posted the following verse from a hymn written by John Newton (pictured).
Yesterday the Ontario contingent of the Hockey Ministries International staff held our mini-retreat. What a blessed time of prayer we had during our afternoon session. We were sitting on Adirondack chairs by the Lake of Bays in front of a cottage. The breeze was blowing through the trees and the fresh wind of the Holy Spirit was blowing through our lives as we waited on Him.
I challenged the other guys to pray BIG using an example from the George Muller Foundation in Bristol, England where the Board of Directors had been praying for immediate needs but were challenged by one of the men to pray for God to provide not just for the present need but for funds to carry out the tasks which God had placed on their hearts. They began to pray BIG (about 10 times the original dollar amount (or British pounds) and God provided through a most unusual channel. That's just like the Father to do that. He often surprises us with His goodness!
He can do the same for us. For you! That's how this pilgrim has been praying recently. Not just that we could pay next month's mortgage but that we could once-and-for-all pay off the entire amount. Please join us in that petition. THANK YOU!
Here's that verse of the hymn I refered to earlier. Remember these words when you approach the King of Glory with you praises and petitions.
Thou art coming to a King,
Large petitions with thee bring;
For His grace and power are such,
None can ever ask too much!
He is the Almighty God and has bid us to come...boldly! AMEN!

Yesterday the Ontario contingent of the Hockey Ministries International staff held our mini-retreat. What a blessed time of prayer we had during our afternoon session. We were sitting on Adirondack chairs by the Lake of Bays in front of a cottage. The breeze was blowing through the trees and the fresh wind of the Holy Spirit was blowing through our lives as we waited on Him.
I challenged the other guys to pray BIG using an example from the George Muller Foundation in Bristol, England where the Board of Directors had been praying for immediate needs but were challenged by one of the men to pray for God to provide not just for the present need but for funds to carry out the tasks which God had placed on their hearts. They began to pray BIG (about 10 times the original dollar amount (or British pounds) and God provided through a most unusual channel. That's just like the Father to do that. He often surprises us with His goodness!
He can do the same for us. For you! That's how this pilgrim has been praying recently. Not just that we could pay next month's mortgage but that we could once-and-for-all pay off the entire amount. Please join us in that petition. THANK YOU!
Here's that verse of the hymn I refered to earlier. Remember these words when you approach the King of Glory with you praises and petitions.
Thou art coming to a King,
Large petitions with thee bring;
For His grace and power are such,
None can ever ask too much!
He is the Almighty God and has bid us to come...boldly! AMEN!
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Getting Away

Before I go let me leave this verse of a hymn by Charles Wesley with you. May this be my testimony today as I trust the Father:
In want my plentiful supply,
In weakness my almighty power,
In bonds my perfect liberty,
My light in Satan's darkest hour.
My help and stay whene'er I call,
My life in death, my heaven, my all.
May you enjoy His closeness as you walk with Him today!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
In the Midst of the Battle, Remember the Cattle

Several times I've refered to the phrase, "He owns the cattle on a thousand hills". I know that Terry and others remember the old Sunday School song that we used to sing. Some of you have told me that the expression is new to you. Obviously you have never heard the song.
Here are the lyrics:
He owns the cattle on a thousand hills,
The wealth in every mine;
He owns the rivers and the rocks and rills
The sun and the stars that shine.
Wonderful riches more than tongue can tell,
He is my Father so they're mine as well.
He owns the cattle on a thousand hills
I know that He will care for me.
Some have despondently responded with their own version when God hasn't provided a cow.
It goes like this:
He owns the cattle on a thousand hills
But who needs a cow right now?
Check out a previous post to see how God can orchestrate the sale of cattle to meet your needs.
Here's the link:
Here are the lyrics:
He owns the cattle on a thousand hills,
The wealth in every mine;
He owns the rivers and the rocks and rills
The sun and the stars that shine.
Wonderful riches more than tongue can tell,
He is my Father so they're mine as well.
He owns the cattle on a thousand hills
I know that He will care for me.
Some have despondently responded with their own version when God hasn't provided a cow.
It goes like this:
He owns the cattle on a thousand hills
But who needs a cow right now?
Check out a previous post to see how God can orchestrate the sale of cattle to meet your needs.
Here's the link:
Then I Weep
My good friend and pilgrim pal, Susan Bunts, posted the following poem on her blog recently! It's excellent! It's powerful! Thanks Susan! Check out Susan's Blog
Today we learned a little something,
About God,
Now…let me tell you why I weep.
When I hear quotes from the wisdom of man,
In place of godly counsel from the Word of God,
Then I weep.
When I hear stories about some man made superhero,
Instead of Bible history…tales of men transformed by the power of God,
Then I weep.
When I hear scripture overly simplified,
Rather than digging deep into the bountiful treasure of the Word of God,
Then I weep.
When I see the church swept downstream into today’s culture,
Instead of offering the Way to come up higher,
Then I weep.
When I forget that my salvation is a work of God,
Not of man…whose works are as filthy rags,
Then I weep.
When I see the church effortlessly float downstream,
Instead of exercising faith building study in the Word of God,
Then I weep.
When I partake of cotton candy that melts in my mouth,I
nstead of chewing on the meat of God’s word,
Then I weep.
When I see interest waning,
Instead of excitement building at the study of God’s Word,
Then I weep.
When I neglect the Word of God,
Set it aside for something more palatable to my weakened and sinful mind,
Then I weep.
When I, in ignorance, neglect God’s character and lay aside His instruction,
I unknowingly strip God of His power in my life,
Then I weep.
When I fail to learn and abide by what God says is right,
And I unwittingly invite sin to creep its way back into my life,
Then I weep.
When I allow my life to be ordinary,
An example to none,
Then I weep.
When I choose to live,
A settled for life,
Then I weep.
When I think I’m saved,But my life is not changed,
transformed by the power of Holy Spirit,
Then I weep.
When I allow the light within me to be dimmed,
My life not salty, lacking in savor and good for nothing,
Then I weep.
When I’m indwelt by the Holy Spirit,
But not daily filled to live by the power of God,
Then I weep.
When I strip God of His power,
Quench the Spirit’s work within me because of easy and lazy unbelief,
Then I weep.
When I fail to learn about God,
His mighty and transforming work in the lives of sinful man,
Then I weep.
When I neglect the work of His hands,
Forgetting His deeds of old and His ability and desire to do the same today,
Then I weep.
When I forget that by His Word that He spoke everything into existence,
When I’m hard pressed to tell you the Ten Commandments, much less live by them,
Then I weep.
When I don’t know of God’s faithfulness,
And forget about His deliverance of Israel time and time again,
Then I weep.
When I think that Jesus came to show us how to live,
Instead of to die, the only worthy propitiation for my sins,
Then I weep.
Today we learned a little something about God,
Today I fear that instead…we learned that God is a little something,
Thus today I weep.
by Susan Bunts
June 24, 2007
The Glorious Secret

One who I remember well was Harold Wildish. He was based in Jamaica but had an itinerant ministry which took him around the world.
Recently, while packing books, I uncovered a small treasure, a volume entitled "The Glorious Secret". In it he gives a balanced, powerful treatment of the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer.
On the second to last page he leaves us with this thought (which he had written in the front of his Bible):
"Give yourself up, morning by morning, to be led by the Holy Spirit and go forward praising and at rest, leaving Him to manage you and your day. Cultivate the habit, all through the day, of joyfully depending upon, and obeying Him, expecting Him to guide, to enlighten, to reprove, to teach, to use, and to do in and with you what He wills. Count upon His working as a fact, altogether apart from sight or feeling. Only let us believe in and obey the Holy Spirit as the Ruler of our lives, and cease from the burden of trying to manage ourselves, then shall the fruit of the Spirit appear in us, as He wills, to the glory of God."
Wildish goes on to say, "Let me ask you to remember that there is no such thing as a once-for-all fullness; it is a continuous appropriation of a continuous supply from Jesus Christ Himself: a moment-by-moment faith in a moment-by-moment Savior, for a moment-by-moment cleansing, and a moment-by-moment filling."
Monday, June 25, 2007
Rural Reflections

The photo from Lancaster County, PA reminds me of the area of Ontario where we were this afternoon. We were in Elmira, Ontario in the Mennonite area. The country roads are lined with well-kept Mennonite farms. We stopped to visit a friend, Craig Schwindt, who owns and operates the Floradale Feed Mill in Elmira.
These rural reflections are so relaxing! I love the slower pace of the Amish and Mennonite people. Maybe when I'm in my 90's I'll slow down...if the Lord doesn't come back or take me home first.
It's good to be home!
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Having Fun
The boys and I are enjoying our time away. We've decided to stay an extra night. I'm at our son Tim's house now and I'm using his laptop to post this note.
This morning we went to Josiah's (our grandson) final ball hockey game at 8:00 o'clock. Sadly, they lost.
Please forgive me for not attending church this morning. The Lord already has!
Thanks for your prayers and your encouragement.
This morning we went to Josiah's (our grandson) final ball hockey game at 8:00 o'clock. Sadly, they lost.
Please forgive me for not attending church this morning. The Lord already has!
Thanks for your prayers and your encouragement.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Time For Departure

Here's one of the poems:
"Haste thee on from grace to glory,
Armed by faith, and winged by prayer.
Heaven's eternal days before thee
God's own hand shall guide us there.
Soon shall close thy earthly mission,
Soon shall pass thy pilgrim days,
Hope shall change to glad fruition
Faith to sight and prayer to praise."
- Henry F. Lyte
Lost My Head

Does anybody out there know how to help? If I don't get the header up and running again I might just lose my head.
This morning I had an MRI on my head. My doctor wants to see what's causing my hearing loss. There's a 40% loss in my left ear. The other one is all right...pun intended. My ear, nose and throat specialist wants to see if there's a greater problem in my head. Maybe there's nothing in there.
Anyhow, it's been a hectic day but the weekend is here and the boys and I are going away tomorrow and staying overnight in a motel with a pool. We're looking forward to celebrating the end of another school year.
God is good and we have much to praise Him for!
I'm Having Trouble

Last night I posted something at work because that was the only computer that allowed me to sign on to my account. Neither my desktop or my laptop will let me.
It's just a fluke (or an act/blessing of God) that I got on here this time. I sure went about it in a backwards way and I don't think I could repeat the process if I had to to. Any pointers from my Pilgrim Pals would be much appreciated.
Anyhow, now that I'm on there's something I've been wanting to post for two days. Saija's picture of lengthening shadows over at Thro' a Glass Darkly caused me to think of this.
Here's a stanza (or four) or an old him which speaks of shadows:
We would see Jesus; for the shadows lengthen
Across this little landscape of our life;
We would see Jesus, our weak faith to strengthen
For the last weariness, the final strife.
We would see Jesus, the great rock foundation
Whereon our feet were set by sovereign grace:
Nor life nor death, with all their agitation,
Can thence remove us, if we see His face.
We would see Jesus, other lights are paling
Which for long years, we have rejoiced to see;
The blessings of our pilgrimage are failing
We would not mourn them, for we go to Thee.
We would see Jesus: this is all we're needing;
Strength, joy and willingness come with the sight;
We would see Jesus, dying, risen, pleading;
Then welcome day, and farewell mortal night.
- John Bacchus Dykes, 1868
- Anna B. Warner, 1852
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Pilgrim Scufflings

Sometimes I read the things I wrote 2 1/2 years ago and think that nothing has changed. It has though. He is changing us from glory to glory, working in us both to will and do of His good pleasure.
Anyhow, here's that post from waaaaaay back:
Greetings from another pilgrim as we travel “home”. The road sure seems long and rough at times doesn’t it! I’ve been scuffling a bit lately, discouraged with the happenings of the daily grind. Why are things so difficult? Why do the heavens feel like brass so often? I know that God is there. He hasn’t moved. He still beckons us to “come unto Him” and we will find rest for our souls. Recently I read a quote that goes something like this: “God will write over our days, ‘Will explain later’.” Is that enough encouragement to continue on? It has helped me!
Whether the issues are financial, emotional, relational, physical, spiritual (or whatever they might be), our Father knows all about them. Although we are often paralysed by these “things” that make the journey “home” so discouraging at times, the touch of God upon our lives and the comfort of His everlasting arms can nudge us closer to the finish line.
Dear friend, as we continue along towards “home”, may it be a comfort to know that we are walking together. We WILL make it! God has not turned His face away from us and our predicament. He is still there, cheering us on, even though the “stuff” we’re dealing with almost deafens us to His tender, gentle voice. One of my favorite hymn writers, William Cowper, was plagued with depression for much of his life, even though he enjoyed a closeness with his God. Recently I bought a biography of him and have been encouraged to know that others who have gone before have fought similar battles.
Read some of his lyrics:
“Amidst the roaring of the sea,
My soul still hangs her hope on Thee;
Thy constant love, Thy Faithful care,
Is all that saves me from despair.”
And again, he writes:
“Ye weary saints, fresh courage take,
The clouds ye so much dread;
Are big with mercies and shall break
With blessings on thy head.”
And finally:
“The dearest idol I have known,
Whate’er that idol be,
Help me to tear it from Thy Throne.
And worship only thee.”
And so, we fix our eyes on Him although at times our view is dimmed by tears. He beckons us from the grandstand of heaven. Our family and friends who’ve gone on before cheer us on. Let’s take each other’s hand and walk together. You are loved by Him and by this fellow pilgrim!
Journey on...
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Sheila Walsh

She recently interviewed Sheila Walsh, one of my favorite writers. Sheila is so honest and transparent in her books. They are so refreshing! She has had her struggles and shares them with others, hoping to help them in their pilgrim journey.
Here's a quote from Sheila that Cindy included on her blog:
"I discovered what it's like to face the end of your dreams but begin to discover perhaps what you've been looking for all your life - which is a relationship with Jesus Christ, based on nothing I brought to the table."
Good stuff! Why do we always have to have our own agenda? Why do I?
When You Can't, He Can

Here's an excellent post from Claire over at Pilot Mom. I haven't heard yet how Pilot Dad made out but I'll keep you posted. He was having a medical procedure today.
BULLETIN: I just heard from Claire! Here's her report on Jim (Pilot Dad):
"Jim came through his procedure just fine. He was in pain when I left this evening which is to be expected. I will pick him up and bring him home sometime tomorrow morning. He will begin his radiation again tomorrow afternoon. Thank you for your prayers." In Him, Claire
Be sure to check out Claire's site at: http://www.pilotmom.blogspot.com
Here's what Claire posted and it's so true:
When you are the neediest, He is the most sufficient.
When you are completely helpless, He is the most helpful.
When you feel totally dependent, He is absolutely dependable.
When you are the weakest, He is the most able.
When you are the most alone, He is intimately present.
When you feel you are the least, He is the greatest.
When you feel the most useless, He is preparing you.
When it is the darkest, He is the only Light you need.
When you feel the least secure, He is your Rock and Fortress.
When you are the most humble, He is most gracious.
When you can't, He can.
Safe Haven in the Storm

No...this is my mom's place last night during the weird storm. It got very windy and dark all of a sudden.
Paul Mackay from Still Rambling took several shots during this time frame including this one.
The certainly is NO haunted house. It's been a shelter in the time of storm for me, Paul and many others. Thanks, mom!
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Fishing in the archive tank tonight, I found the following post that, I believe, bears repeating. Journaling has always been a difficult discipline for me to maintain but blogging has made it somewhat easier.
Here's that "old" post from December of 2004:
Writing and maintaining a diary is, without a doubt, the most difficult of the spiritual disciplines for me to carry out. Good intentions abound but the bookshelves in my study are sprinkled with those “blank books” that look so nice but are useless unless we write something in them.
For years I’ve been encouraged to develop this discipline and for some reason I can’t keep it going. Could it be that I wouldn’t want others to read of my struggles? Perhaps! Several years ago I started recording entries in my computer for security reasons. I chose a password (which I subsequently forgot) so no one else could read of my pilgrimage.

Journals of Jim Elliot, one of my favorite books!
Elisabeth Elliot makes an excellent case for keeping a “Chronicle of the Soul” as she calls a spiritual diary. She’s been journaling since her high school days and writes, “These are chronicles of growth: mental, emotional and spiritual. It is astounding to go back through them and learn things that I had completely forgotten. It is wonderfully faith-strengthening to see that indeed ‘all the way my Savior leads me’, hears my prayers, supplies my needs, teaches me of Himself. My memory is poor. A journal is a record of His faithfulness (and my own faithlessness too).” She encourages us to begin to jot down the following (not necessarily every day):
1. Lessons learned from your reading of Scripture.
2. Ways in which you intend to apply those lessons.
3. Dialogues with the Lord. What you say to Him and what He seems to be saying to you.
4. Quotations from your spiritual reading other than the Bible.
5. Prayers from the words of hymns which you want to make your own.
6. Reasons for thanksgiving.
7. Things you’re praying about and answers to those prayers.
Elisabeth Elliot from “Keep a Quiet Heart”, copyright
1995 by Elisabeth Elliot, published by Servant Publications
Yes, I know the value of keeping these “Chronicles of the Soul”. Even as I write this article I’m determined to do better by His enabling. How about you? Have you discovered how beneficial a journal can be? I’m inviting you to check up on me to see how I’m doing. Let me know also how you’re making out. Together let’s keep a record of God’s faithfulness in the midst of our struggles. It will be faith-building for us all. And, if you need one of those blank books, write me. I’ve got a few extras. - David W. Fisher
Here's that "old" post from December of 2004:
Writing and maintaining a diary is, without a doubt, the most difficult of the spiritual disciplines for me to carry out. Good intentions abound but the bookshelves in my study are sprinkled with those “blank books” that look so nice but are useless unless we write something in them.
For years I’ve been encouraged to develop this discipline and for some reason I can’t keep it going. Could it be that I wouldn’t want others to read of my struggles? Perhaps! Several years ago I started recording entries in my computer for security reasons. I chose a password (which I subsequently forgot) so no one else could read of my pilgrimage.

Journals of Jim Elliot, one of my favorite books!
Elisabeth Elliot makes an excellent case for keeping a “Chronicle of the Soul” as she calls a spiritual diary. She’s been journaling since her high school days and writes, “These are chronicles of growth: mental, emotional and spiritual. It is astounding to go back through them and learn things that I had completely forgotten. It is wonderfully faith-strengthening to see that indeed ‘all the way my Savior leads me’, hears my prayers, supplies my needs, teaches me of Himself. My memory is poor. A journal is a record of His faithfulness (and my own faithlessness too).” She encourages us to begin to jot down the following (not necessarily every day):
1. Lessons learned from your reading of Scripture.
2. Ways in which you intend to apply those lessons.
3. Dialogues with the Lord. What you say to Him and what He seems to be saying to you.
4. Quotations from your spiritual reading other than the Bible.
5. Prayers from the words of hymns which you want to make your own.
6. Reasons for thanksgiving.
7. Things you’re praying about and answers to those prayers.
Elisabeth Elliot from “Keep a Quiet Heart”, copyright
1995 by Elisabeth Elliot, published by Servant Publications
Yes, I know the value of keeping these “Chronicles of the Soul”. Even as I write this article I’m determined to do better by His enabling. How about you? Have you discovered how beneficial a journal can be? I’m inviting you to check up on me to see how I’m doing. Let me know also how you’re making out. Together let’s keep a record of God’s faithfulness in the midst of our struggles. It will be faith-building for us all. And, if you need one of those blank books, write me. I’ve got a few extras. - David W. Fisher
Good, Like a Medicine

"Tastes awful but it really works."
"Nothing 'spiritual' but they make you laugh."
You needed a good chuckle right about now didn't you...?"
Here are some funny lines:
* I wondered why the baseball was getting bigger. Then it hit me.*
* He stayed up all night wondering where the sun had gone. Then it dawned on him.
* Police were called to a daycare where a three-year-old was resisting a rest.
* Did you hear about the guy whose whole left side was cut off? He's all right now.
* The roundest knight at King Arthur's round table was Sir Cumference.
* To write with a broken pencil is pointless.
* When fish are in schools they sometimes take debate.
* The short fortune teller who escaped from prison was a small medium at large.
* A thief who stole a calendar got twelve months.
* A thief fell and broke his leg in wet cement. He became a hardened criminal.
Thanks to Claire over at Pilot Mom for these great one-liners. Please visit Pilot Mom and pray for her husband. THANKS!
On a more serious note, Pilot Mom included the following quote on her blog today:
"God calls us to be authentic in our profession, service, gifts, and time. Our gifts should not be out of leftovers or abundance, but sacrificially."
Amen! That says it all!
Holy Experience

"listening to my life...for whatever of meaning, of holiness, of God there be in it to hear."
It sums up, to a degreee, what David Fisher and Pilgrim Scribblings are all about. Be sure to check out Ann's site. It's thoughtful and well-written.
Have a good and godly day!
Monday, June 18, 2007
Lifting Clouds

Time to say goodnight but, before I do, here's my final submission for today. Tonight will be a good one! Lean on His everlasting arms, dear pilgrim pals!
I wrote just now...
Tossing, turning
Can’t get to sleep
Rehearsing what may happen
But never does.
Every hour
On the hour
Will morning ever come?
Suddenly night is gone
A new day has broken
I arise and
Put on my clothes
But can’t
Put off the blackness.
Friends come alongside
Some understand
Others don’t.
I write when
Nothing else helps.
I wrote an author
Who understands.
Just that simple act
That only took five minutes
Lifted the burden
Tore away the curtain
That veiled His face.
Rain began to fall
Outside my window
But the sunshine of
God’s love
Beat upon my spirit.
I had turned the corner
I would be alright.
God is still on the throne
He will care for His own
He did today
He will tomorrow.
I will rest in peace
Because God will be up
All night
And I gave Him
My concerns.
Good night!
Looking Back

Depression rears its ugly head at the most inopportune times and yet we know that God is sovereign and our times are in His hands.
Earlier in the day I was paralyzed by panic, seemingly defeated by the big "D". I couldn't shake it! Of course I couldn't! At times like this we must realize that our meager efforts fall far short. Only by God's empowering Presence, His Spirit, can we get victory.
By the end of the afternoon I had crossed the line and was back in the land of the living. Several friends walked me though the darkness and into the light. Praise God!
So here I am, getting ready to go to bed at my Christian Horizons, night sleep job. Looking back, it's been a good day! I wouldn't trade a dark day like today with all its anxieties and fears but with the hand of God in evidence...for all the money in the world.
The Good Shepherd of the sheep leads us along at His pace and will guide us safely home.
Good night, friends!
God is good!
"When my soul is in the dumps, I rehearse everything I know of you." - Psalm 42:6 (The Message)
Like a Tree Planted

Reminds me of Psalm 1:
"Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night.He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers."
Check out this site at: http://www.teahouselj.blogspot.com
Rated "R"

As for me, I'll settle for being an evangelical Christian who has been shaped by the Word of God and the writings of both Calvinists and Arminians. The refreshing thing about this whole debate is that I've been influenced by writers that love Jesus and I'm not sure where they stand on the matter.
Anyhow, I would say that the majority of the sites I link to would have a Calvinistic bent to them.
I bet if I posted this R rating on Pilgrim Scribblings I'd lose some of my readers. So, friends, I'll just continue to journal my journey and scribble my slow sanctification and let the TULIPS bloom in the garden.
There, you don't know where I stand!

Here's that post:
Lately another guest, or maybe I should call him a predator has been lingering around my "house". The dreaded "D" word...depression... has been lurking. Many of you, no doubt, have had to deal with this unwelcome visitor.
Back in January I penned a brief "post" entitled Dark Night of the Soul. In the midst of our darkness may we experience His deliverance, His delight, His divine presence.
Dark Night of the Soul
Hot Sweats
Cold Sweats
"The peace of God which passes all understanding shall GUARD and GARRISON your hearts, through Christ Jesus our Lord." - Philippians 4:7
Now That's a New Slant \ \ \ \

Paul Mackay from Still Rambling posted some Father's Day pix today. Paul is a good friend who boards at my mother's house. We consider him family except when it comes time to buy gifts...just kidding!
Paul and I hope to get together real soon for breakfast!
Here's a photo of Paul's siblings and his dad. I don't know who took the photo! I also don't know if the world was tipping when the photo was taken or if the four Mackays were just a little tippy (I doubt that).
Here's Paul, his father Dave, brother Bruce and sister Carol! A great family!
Check out Paul's blog @ http://www.paulamackay.blogspot.com
Go Bulls Go!
Sunday, June 17, 2007
The Sun Is Slowly Slipping

Thanks for the memories!
Thanks for the legacy!
Thanks for supporting Billy for so long!
Thanks for the ministries that your children are involved with!
We will miss you!
Note: Click on poem so you can read it better!
Hoops Hoopla
This morning we had a baptismal service at Auburn Bible Chapel. Someone should have thought to place boxes of tissues throughout the sanctuary. There weren't too may dry eyes. In all, five young people followed the Lord's command in the ordinance of believer's baptism.
Two of the teens were from members of our congregation. One young boy (9 years old, I think) is the son of a couple who recently began attending Auburn. He wants to be a pastor when he grows up.
Scott, one of the older ones who was baptized came to faith in Christ through the lifestyle witness of our youth pastor, Jeff Pascoe. Jeff, and others from our church, are involved in an outreach to unchurched youth through a baskerball program, Hoops, in local high schools. That's where Jeff and Scott connected. They have similar interests and there was something about Jeff that attracted Scott to him and ultimately to Christ. As Scott sat on a stool and shared deeply from his heart, many people were visibly moved.
Scott has been helping Jeff with the youth groups and has grown incredibly, in the Lord, since coming to Christ. His honesty, transparency and passion to know God are so refreshing!
My brother and sister-in-law, Jim and Karen, have been providing a place for Scott and his mom in their home and Scott was not remiss in thanking them for their support, encouragement and the portrayal of what a true, Christian marriage is all about.
As each young person came up from the waters of baptism, the congregation cheered or applauded. I'm such a reserved, quiet guy but this morning was a time to celebrate and we did!
What a powerful service! What a mighty God who has secured the allegiance of these young people.
Note: Here's a picture of Scott reading a note of encouragement from our granddaughter, Victoria. The young people were challenged (and urged) to write note of encouragement to Scott to help him along in his new walk with Christ.
We love you Scott! Don't ever be afraid to shed a tear...for the Lord.
Two of the teens were from members of our congregation. One young boy (9 years old, I think) is the son of a couple who recently began attending Auburn. He wants to be a pastor when he grows up.

Scott has been helping Jeff with the youth groups and has grown incredibly, in the Lord, since coming to Christ. His honesty, transparency and passion to know God are so refreshing!
My brother and sister-in-law, Jim and Karen, have been providing a place for Scott and his mom in their home and Scott was not remiss in thanking them for their support, encouragement and the portrayal of what a true, Christian marriage is all about.
As each young person came up from the waters of baptism, the congregation cheered or applauded. I'm such a reserved, quiet guy but this morning was a time to celebrate and we did!
What a powerful service! What a mighty God who has secured the allegiance of these young people.
Note: Here's a picture of Scott reading a note of encouragement from our granddaughter, Victoria. The young people were challenged (and urged) to write note of encouragement to Scott to help him along in his new walk with Christ.
We love you Scott! Don't ever be afraid to shed a tear...for the Lord.
Bishop Moule
I've really been enjoying Ruth Bell Graham's PRODIGALS AND THOSE WHO LOVE THEM the last few days. As you know, if you've read my earlier posts, Mrs. Graham was promoted to heaven this past Thursday.
Here's an excellent link where you can check out her life and legacy:
And here's another quote from a godly Church of England clergyman whose books I enjoy and whose legacy continues, Bishop H. C. G. Moule (pictured).
He writes:
"There is no situation so chaotic that God cannot, from that situation, create something that is surpassingly good. He did it at the creation. He did it at the cross. He is doing it today." - Bishop H. C. G. Moule

And here's another quote from a godly Church of England clergyman whose books I enjoy and whose legacy continues, Bishop H. C. G. Moule (pictured).
He writes:
"There is no situation so chaotic that God cannot, from that situation, create something that is surpassingly good. He did it at the creation. He did it at the cross. He is doing it today." - Bishop H. C. G. Moule
My Father

To all the fathers out there...HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!

Today I will write my sentiments in my dad's Father's Day card and then put it away in my drawer.
It's a therapeutic exercise that I have carried on since dad went "home" back in 1992.
Here's the card I bought for dad. I used to walk past the Hallmark store on Father's Day, after dad died, and grieve because I couldn't buy him a card. Sure I could! And I have!
Thanks, dad, for the godly example you set for me and our family! We love you and miss you!

Saturday, June 16, 2007
Gray Depression

As we mourn the passing of Ruth Bell Graham (and rejoice that she is finally "home"), here's more of her excellent writing from Prodigals and Those Who Love Them.
Sunk in This Gray Depression
Sunk in this gray
depressionI cannot pray.
How can I give
when there are no words
to say?
This mass of vague
of aching care,
love with its
short-circuits prayer.
Then through this fog
of tiredness,
this nothingness, I find
only a quiet knowing
that He is kind.
- September 1980
This is subject matter that I have experienced first-hand. I only wish I could have articulated my grayness as well as Ruth Bell Graham did. But God gave her this piece of writing and I thank Him for that!

And some people say there is no God?
Thanks to Tim Coles at My Momentum for this shot.
Check out Tim's blog @ http://www.mymomentum.wordpress.com
Grand Entrance
Heaven welcomed another resident this week. Ruth Bell Graham, Billy's beloved wife, slipped into the arms of Jesus and we will miss her. What a legacy she left!
One of my favorite books over the years was her, "Prodigals and Those Who Love Them". Try to get your hands on this book if at all possible. It is filled with excellent insights on those who have strayed from the desired path and the godly means through which we can bring them back. Of course prayer is the greatest weapon we can use.
This book has quotes from some of the greatest Christian writers over the centuries and prose and poetry by Ruth herself.
Here's one written from the heart of a mother:

Listen, Lord,
a mother's praying
low and quiet:
listen, please.
Listen what her tears
are saying,
see her heart
upon its knees;
lift the load
from her bowed shoulders
till she see
and understands,
You, Who hold
the worlds together,
hold her problems
in Your hands.
Good stuff!
And, here's a quote by J. Sidlow Baxter that Ruth included:
"Men may spurn our appeals, reject our message, oppose our arguments, despise our persons - but they are helpless against our prayers." - J. Sidlow Baxter
Let's pray for Billy Graham and his family during these difficult days!
One of my favorite books over the years was her, "Prodigals and Those Who Love Them". Try to get your hands on this book if at all possible. It is filled with excellent insights on those who have strayed from the desired path and the godly means through which we can bring them back. Of course prayer is the greatest weapon we can use.
This book has quotes from some of the greatest Christian writers over the centuries and prose and poetry by Ruth herself.
Here's one written from the heart of a mother:

Listen, Lord,
a mother's praying
low and quiet:
listen, please.
Listen what her tears
are saying,
see her heart
upon its knees;
lift the load
from her bowed shoulders
till she see
and understands,
You, Who hold
the worlds together,
hold her problems
in Your hands.
Good stuff!
And, here's a quote by J. Sidlow Baxter that Ruth included:
"Men may spurn our appeals, reject our message, oppose our arguments, despise our persons - but they are helpless against our prayers." - J. Sidlow Baxter
Let's pray for Billy Graham and his family during these difficult days!
Friday, June 15, 2007
Making S'mores
There was a big crowd down there tonight. Victoria, our 14-year-old granddaughter who lives with us, was away with her youth group on an overnight retreat but we still have a houseful of people tonight.
Here's a picture of some of the ones that will be bunking down here tonight.
From left to right there is: Tamara, a young woman with special needs who lives with us, Candace, sitting down, Nathan, our grandson Jack, Matthew, Carol and Chasity. Candace and Chasity are friends of Tamara's and we're providing respite care for them this weekend. Busy? You bet!
I'm leaving for work at Christian Horizons around 10:15 p.m. tonight so that'll be one less person in the hotel.
We had lot's of fun tonight!
Note: Click on the picture to get a bigger shot of all these people but don't tell Carol that I suggested this. Ha! Ha!
Brett's 50

Presently Brett is managing the Mobile BayBears, the Southern League AA affiliate of the Arizona Diamondbacks. The team is playing a 5-game road series against the Mississippi Braves and that's where we caught up with Brett & Eveline by phone this morning!
Brett successful defeated cancer towards the end of his playing career for which we thank God.
CONGRATULATIONS, Brett! Thanks for your consistent Christian testimony over the years. You and Eveline have been such a blessing to Epistle Sports Ministries and to Carol and me personally.
Have a blessed 50th!
Note: This photo of Brett & Eveline was taken back in 1991 during the Mid-Summer All Star Game festivities in Toronto! We were much younger then!
Saving Face

Hope you have a wonderful day and you can look forward to a card in the mail next week.
Lots of love,
FIL (or father-in-law)
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Coles and Kohls

Well, two coals have met up with each other out in Barnabas, B.C. I posted earlier about my friend Tim Coles. He updates us on his My Momentum blog with news that another friend of mine, Paul Kohls, has arrived at the Arrow Leadership summit.
Two great guys! They need each other and will keep each other sharp and HOT in a godly sense. Have a great time, guys! I love you both!
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