About David

David trusted Jesus Christ as Savior when he was 6 years old and has, by God's grace and enabling, served Him all his life.

In 1975 God called him to an encouragement ministry to pro athletes through letter-writing, Epistle Sports Ministries

David served with Baseball Chapel as chaplain to the Toronto Blue Jays for 29 seasons. 

Married to Carol, they have 7 grown children, 9 grandchildren and 1 great grandson.

David's wife Carol founded the Kawartha Komets hockey club for special needs kids and adults. 

They live in Peterborough, ON. 

David is an avid reader and book collector. 

He is a pianist and songwriter and enjoys Southern Gospel music. 

David enjoys writing and is a former member of the Writers Crucible writers group. 

His favorite preachers are Joseph Stowell, Alistair Begg, & John Piper. Favorites from the past include Alan Redpath, Stephen Olford, D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones & J. Sidlow Baxter. 

David’s life and ministry have been profoundly influenced by the lives of George Muller, Elisabeth Elliot & J. Hudson Taylor. 

David presently works with FRIENDS Peterborough, a humanitarian agency in Peterborough that offers help, hope and a hand up to their clients. 

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