It seems that GREEN has been the color/colour of choice in my posts for the last two days. Another series of showers has turned our back yard into a lush pasture...ready for John Deere to do his work.
Today's online devotional by Tozer speaks of green pastures. Where are you feeding these days? Who is feeding you? Have they been in the presence of the Great Shepherd of the Sheep or are they taking their second hand food from another source?

Then they came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida of Galilee, and asked him, saying, "Sir, we wish to see Jesus." - John 12:21
"Toward anything like thorough scholarship I make no claim. I am not an authority on any man's teaching; I have never tried to be. I take my help where I find it and set my heart to graze where the pastures are greenest. Only one stipulation do I make: my teacher must know God, as Carlyle said, "otherwise than by hearsay," and Christ must be all in all to him. If a man have only correct doctrine to offer me I am sure to slip out at the first intermission to seek the company of someone who has seen for himself how lovely is the face of Him who is the Rose of Sharon and the Lily of the Valley. Such a man can help me, and no one else can."
taken from The Pursuit of Man by A. W. Tozer
I hope I'm not getting off subject here, but I just thought I'd gently remind readers that the 3rd of May is the National Day of Prayer. I know there is not a whole lot of publicity about it here like it is in the U.S.A., but I'd like to encourage and exhort my fellow Canadians --brothers and sisters in the Lord-- to pray for our country, our leaders, and our people to turn their hearts to God.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure you all know the verse, but I'll type it up anyway: If My people which are called by My Name shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sins, and will heal their land. -2 Chronicles 7:14
One day I want to get a really good photo when I am in Ottawa, and pair it up with that verse beneath it. I did that with a photo of the Montreal skyline, and it is beautiful beyond words!