Thursday, August 24, 2006

Eagle's Eye View of Tim's

Last Sunday we took the boys and Tamara, the young lady we provide care for, up to the Eagle's Nest in Bancroft. We had just dropped our granddaughter Victoria off at Graphite Bible Camp, north of Bancroft. Using my 12X Zoom I was able to get a close up of Tim's. This Tim Horton's is a gold mine. It's always busy!

Here's a shot of Matthew & Nathan standing on the lookout and one of Tamara.

Check it out sometime. The view is incredible, especially in the fall.

1 comment:

  1. Dear David...Wendy's always was a classy place and this one here is no exception.

    I remember the first year that Bernie and I went out west by motorcycle, when we went to the Wendy's in Winnipeg, the boys wore tuxedos and the girls wore little black dresses with dainty white aprons.

    I wonder if Saija remembers that.

    The third time we drove out by motorcycle again,in Calgary there was a Wendy's right in front of a Macdonalds and I took a picture of the Wendy's with the golden Arch of Macdonalds seeming to be sitting on the Wendy's roof.

    We had a friend who mangaged a Wendy's here in Welland and we gave him a picture of it and told him that out in Calgary they were far more ahead of times than they were in Ontario.

    "Why Rocky...They even have a MacWendys there"!
    And you know what David... He believed us!! Ha!...From Terry

    I will have to try and look up that picture for you!
