The Psalmist David writes: "I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread." Psalm 37:25 (NIV)

Last night I went to bed a "young" 60 year old. This morning I awoke an "old" 61 year old. Through the years God has provided in miraculous ways. We've been living the "life of faith" for much of my adult life. For many years we had no salary that we could depend on. What we DID have was a sovereign God who is faithful and true.
Today we won't pause for a birthday celebration. We are too busy! We're taking our son Matthew (10) to Camp Medeba near Haliburton, ON. One thing I've already done, though, is to stop to thank the Father for keeping His promises for all these 61 years.
As I enter my 62nd year I can count on Him to meet our needs. Our children won't be begging bread. They may ask for a slushee or a Tim Horton's donut but they won't go hungry.
Thank you, Father, for these years you've given me. There's been a lot of pain and plodding but, more than that, there's been the peace of God that passes all understanding, the promises of Jehovah Jireh, our Provider, the constant presence of "the One who sticks closer than a brother", His overcoming power and His ongoing protection.
Hallelujah, what a Savior!
AMEN! Happy Birthday David. Thank you for your testimony, you are always an encouragement. God bless you brother
ReplyDeleteBelated birthday wishes, David! I hope you had a wonderful day and that this next year will be especially God-blessed. ... Debra