The following audio post was recorded yesterday after taking Matthew to camp. What a day! A day of lost things.
I'm not trying to rival Luke's account in the 15th chapter of the lost sheep, the lost coin and the lost son but we lost a son, a cell phone and a pair of glasses.
As far as I know, we haven't lost our minds but they might be the next to go.
David - I love it! You are too funny... "of all the things we've lost we miss our minds the most"!!! It's good to see you haven't lost your sense of humour. Thank you for your friendship this past year and a half. Anytime I am with you I know that you will make me laugh, make me think, and - usually, make me late! See you soon my friend.
David - I love it! You are too funny... "of all the things we've lost we miss our minds the most"!!! It's good to see you haven't lost your sense of humour. Thank you for your friendship this past year and a half. Anytime I am with you I know that you will make me laugh, make me think, and - usually, make me late! See you soon my friend.