Tuesday, May 10, 2005


Recently I went through a box of old pictures. It was good for a laugh but I wanted to share the fun (???) so I posted a couple of pix. Go ahead, have a good belly laugh! I can't believe they let this guy into Major League Baseball clubhouses. Why would any church allow this weirdo in their pulpit? What did Carol see in this funny-looking geek? I don't know if the passing of time is improving things or whether I should start wearing a bag over my head.

Who is this geek?

Comments are gladly welcomed and will promptly be removed from my site. Just kidding! "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine" so go ahead...be merry at my expense. It won't hurt my feelings!

1 comment:

  1. Hey David;

    I just showed these pix to Ryan and Patrick and they are literally jumping up and down, laughing, and screaming hysterically... still. that was 2 minutes ago and they're still at it! Anyway - now they are asking to see Elvis on the internet!
