Monday, October 09, 2006

The Adoption Option

The following note appeared in one of The Peoples Church newsletters back in the late 80's when I was on staff there. I penned this before one of their great World Missions Conferences to encourage Christians to become more involved in world missions. While doing some tidying up this morning I came across it.


"In this age of instant abortions the Christian community has responded with Crisis Pregnancy Centres where adoption is put forth as a prefered option to the senseless slaughter of the unborn. Many families consider adoption when they are unable to bear children of their own. Yes, adoption is an exciting alternative.

There's another type of adoption that can give you a first-hand look at World Missions. Why not adopt a missionary family and become invovled in their endeavours through correspondence and financial support?

The Peoples Church supports many families on the foreign field and here on the home front and you could choose one of them to help support. Our children could become pen pals of the missionary's kids. They could also save "loonies"* and do other projects to support the adopted missionary family. How exciting to get together when the Lord's servants are home on furlough! What a great way to involve our kids in World Missions!

They would see that missionaries aren't just "old people" in the jungles of Africa who wear khaki shorts and pith helmets and spend most of their time fighting off lions and snakes.

If you're interested, call the church and ask for me. I'll help to arrange the "adoption".

* For the benefit of those from other countries, a "loonie" is a $1.00 coin here in Canada.

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