Friday, November 03, 2006

Care Package Arrives

This week I received a very special "Care Package" from my Blogging Buddy, Terry (or Teresa). She knows how much I cherish books and she packaged up four (4) of them and sent to me (see picture).

Thanks so much Terry! I'll cherish them! I didn't realize that Harold Paisley had written a book concerning the hymns in The Believer's Hymn Book and their composers! Those old hymns of worship and adoration mean so much to me.

Remember...dear friends...I still have room for a few more books in my office(s). They would enjoy the company here rather than being buried in a landfill site.

Have a great weekend in the Lord!


1 comment:

  1. David! This is such a nice thank you card..And I haven't even scratched the surface.
    There wlll be more coming!... As long as Carol doesn't mind...From Terry
