Sunday, April 17, 2005

The Reluctant Traveler

Recently I picked up an excellent workbook entitled The Reluctant Traveler. The bi-line reads, "A Pilgrimage Through Loss and Recovery". The author, Diane Dempsey Marr, is an excellent wordsmith and I've been enjoying her writing. Let me quote from her chapter entitled, "Embracing the Darkness":

"The dark night's apparition whispers to our imagination, convincing us that whatever lies beyond loss is not worth having. But its repeated attempts to drown out the voice of hope only serve to expose its ghostly countenance. We cannot be bound by the chains of darkness when we focus on the intrinsic beauty of night itself. It is rare that natural eyes would recognize the simple elegance of God's perfect plan, for they are not equipped to do so. But the sparkling stars of a moonlit night, seen through spiritual eyes, reveal a glimmering hope that speaks to the very core of our souls; He has a plan for our lives. In the sweet solace of God's presence we learn that, not only is there life after loss, there is abundant life."

Something to think about as we contemplate grief and loss!

Here's someone else's review of this worthwhile book published by Navpress, copyright 2002:

THERE IS LIFE AFTER LOSS! If you are mourning a loss, there is hope. In The Reluctant Traveler, a compass for navigating the deep waters of grief, author Diane Dempsey Marr suggests that if you commit to processing grief step-by-step, it can actually become an ally in refining your character. Marr examines issues such as:

•Identifying and reacting to loss
•Managing anger and avoiding bitterness and rage
•Dealing with depression
•Sorting through normal feelings of loneliness and isolation
•Granting forgiveness
•Integrating loss into life
•Recovering personally

Regardless of how you may feel now, take heart. By learning how to embrace the grieving process, you can restore your life after loss and add deeper dimensions to your spiritual walk.

An Excellent Book for Pilgrims Journeying Through Loss

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