Gold City on Easter Sunday
It's Just Another Red Sea
Well let me tell you 'bout a story, the prophet Daniel told
How three Hebrew boys wouldn't bow to the king's image of gold;
Well he threw them in the fire, but the Lord was there too
And he delivered them the same way He'll deliver you.
It's just another Red Sea
That the Lord will walk you through;
It's just another giant
Like the one that David slew.
Well it's just another battle
An opportunity, for you to claim the victory;
Don't worry when the water looks deep
It's just another red sea.
So you say you've got a problem, feelin' helpless and afraid
Another dead-end situation, with no hope for your escape;
Just remember when it looks like you have faced your final hour
God sees it as another chance to move and prove His power.
CCLI License # 1226832 - Epistle Sports Ministries
Note: For great pointers on how to face "another Red Sea" in your life, check out Robert Morgan's excellent book, The Red Sea Rules. See my earlier post for more information.
thanx, i needed to be reminded of that ...