For several days I've been battling a real funk...a spiritual low...a "cold mashed potatoes and Coke that's lost its fizz" feeling as the late Paul Little would call it. As we draw close to Christmas I'm not experiencing the warm fuzzies that usually accompany the season. Far from it!
Yesterday it took several hours to break free from the "pit of purposelessness". This morning I'm fighting again to climb out. It doesn't take much to get teary-eyed. Listening to some of the Christmas songs (not the beloved old carols) with their sick sentimentality makes me want to throw up. What's wrong with me?
It's been a difficult year for many of us. Change seems to be the buzz word. Yes, our lives have been literally "buzzing" with transitions. New house, new job, new school, new challenges, new concerns, new, new new.
One thing remains the same. Let me rephrase that. One person is changeless. Our eternal God is immutable, without change. We change. He changes not.
As I stare out the windows of my office here in the heart of Peterborough into the cold, gloomy, gray of another December morning I'm reminded to look "up" instead of "out". Beyond the heavy, snow-laden clouds is a God who shines His everlasting Light into our hearts and transforms the burdens into blessings, frustrations into freedom and heartaches into hope.
Somehow, by an act of faith, throw yourself into His all-encompassing arms today. Ask Him to lift you above the meaningless and mundane into the joy that comes ONLY from His embrace. Rest in His love today.
He cares! He really does!
Dear David, you are not alone...I understand what you are going though, we apparently are on the same mountain - I would love to be able to cheer you up ( I tend to want to provide solutions for all); however, the best I can offer you is assurance of my prayers and a colourful picture to add a little brightness to your day....
God Bless(only 4.5 months til spring;) and the playoffs:) )
Hi David.... I read your post the other day... left and thought about it. Then today I wrote a post with yours in mind:
... though it might not seem connected to your post at all. Hmmm... But I guess I just want to say that as long as God is more real to us than even our spouse or children or friends, then things will never be *too* bad. He really can meet all our needs and be the exact kind of amazing friend we need--one especially-present in sad times, thus making them not so sad afterall. If He's *that* real to us, how can things be *that* bad?
But sometimes it requires a deep yearning, a deep God-birthed hunger to get there--and often that requirs letting go of all that would distract. But once there, once He's pried our fingers from the things we believe we need more--there's no going back... there's no wanting to go back, even. And there's no more of the deep inner darkness that was there before, even if--outside--things are far from rosey. Trust me, I know. Blessings, Debra
Yes...all we need to do is Look up!