Anyhow, not long after my hint or suggestion that Cliff join me, he pulled his truck up to our house with his son Michael and two shovels in tow. Just as they arrived I had to quit because my heart was beginning to race. They did a great job!
As he left he added, "my name is Cliff, drop over some day." Just kidding! That's an old, well-used joke.
Need help...call Cliff!
Here's a picture of the McGrath family. Cliff, Jane, Michelle and Michael.
Friends are more precious than gold...
What a blessing from a mere mention. We'd still be snowed in without our new snow blower.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Nikki, I'm a Christain girl, and absouloutly LOVE hockey!
When I reaad your profile to see that you are in hockey ministries I just had to leave a comment!
We are season ticket holders for our team, the Waterloo Black - Hawks, It is fun! And all of us in our family LOVE the sport!
My dad is a nazerene evangalist! You can check out my blog anytime you want!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for your comment on my Pilgrim Scribblings blog. It's great to hear from a young Christian girl who loves the Lord and wants to serve Him.
Did you read anywhere on my blog that I'm the uncle of Mike Fisher of the Ottawa Senators? Mike is a solid Christian with a strong testimony for the Lord.
Our work with our local hockey team has been amazing. As far as I know there are no Christians on the Peterborough Petes hockey team but we get almost the entire team out for our twice monthly Bible studies. God is doing great things!
Stay strong in the Lord, trust Him and watch Him use you mightily for His glory!
Stay in touch! It was good to hear from you.
Check out my other blogs too!
In His love,
David Fisher
I did not know that! That is so cool!
ReplyDeleteCan I put a link to your blog on mine???
I'll pray that lives will be changed through your ministry!
Thank you for your comment,
God Bless,
and have a merry CHRISTmas!