Early today I carried out my usual routine, feeding the goats, looking after the cat and making sure the bird feeder was full. It was a beautiful crisp winter morning. The sun was glistening on the snowy surface of the back yard as I tramped down to the goat pen in my work boots, flannel shirt and winter coat. The blue jays were scolding each other as they criss-crossed the back field and as I walked I revelled in the beauty of God's creation. It was bitterly cold though and as I hurried back to the house with an empty water bucket I thought I wouldn't bother filling the bird feeder. It could wait 'til later.

I immediately thought of how it would be if God dealt with us that way. If He saw that we needed to be nourished but was too busy with other things. We could wait 'til He got around to it. I'm so glad that our wonderful Father doesn't entertain those thoughts for a moment. He knows what we require and He provides for those needs out of His abundant riches. There aren't other things which are more important. WE are important to Him. YOU are special to Him. Thank Him that He's never too busy to care for you. Thank Him today for His bountiful provision. Thank Him for the sacrifice He made so we could enjoy life with Him forever. The finches and sparrows got fed this morning after all. I was fed too as the Lord reminded me of His faithfulness.
"His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." - Lamentations 3:22,23
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