Monday, December 06, 2004

Best of Times, Worst of Times

One of my favorite writers/preachers, Joseph Stowell, writes with clarity and conviction. A devotional thought from "Strength for the Journey" speaks poignantly of the times in which we live.

Stowell begins with a quote from Dickens' classic, A Tale of Two Cities. "It was the best of times; it was the worst of times." Stowell continues, "Although these days often seem like the 'worst of times', they offer a strategic opportunity to present the clarity of the gospel to a world that has an ever-increasing awareness of its needs and the emptiness of life without God. As paganism matures, the despair, disorientation, and disenfranchisement deepens as life gets worse when godless solutions prove ineffective. Like the early Christians, in the face of the debilitating effects of paganism, we have the opportunity to show our world the remedy of a better life in Christ."

How true! Even though today may seem like the "worst of times" we will have the privilege (if we make ourselves available) of letting Christ's light shine through us to a world that has lost its moorings. Ask God today to send someone across your path who you can bless and encourage by a simple word, a warm hug or a gracious smile. Point them to Jesus! Then, as you lay your weary head on your pillow tonight, you can truthfully say, it's been a great day, it's been the "best of times."


"Strength for the Journey" by Joseph M. Stowell is a Moody Press book, available at your local Christian book store. Why not visit a Christian book store today! There's no better place to pick up some life-changing Christmas gifts for family and friends!

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