Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Unshifting Truth

As a child I learned a scripture verse which impacted me then and has always been an encouragement to me over the 50 plus years which followed.

The King James Version renders Psalm 119: 160 like this: "Thy Word is true from the beginning: and every one of Thy righteous judgments endureth forever."

God's truth doesn't change. Neither does He. He is immutable and His truth will never shift. AMEN!


  1. How interesting that you mentioned you learned this as a child.... this verse was part of the curriculum I taught to my little Awana Cubbies (age 3 and 4) this past year, I hope they still remember it for years to come!

  2. Laura Mae:

    It's a greast verse! Had the pleasure of joining Matthew on his grade 7 class trip to Old Fort Henry this week. Glenda M. was also on the trip and we had a great chat. I mentioned Pilgrim Pals and you and she had such complimentary things to say about you. Thought you'd be encouraged to hear this.

    Stay in touch!

