Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Compelled To Go

Writer friend, Mitzi Smith, recently penned the following piece. God calls us to meet with Him on a higher plane. Will we rise up and go or will we be satisfied with the "misty flats". Mitzi, thanks for continuing to use your writing talent, given by the Giver of every good and perfect gift, to edify your fellow believers.

Mitzi writes:

I heard Him calling, drawing me to come away with Him. I felt compelled to gather my things and begin the long journey up the mountain. With every rise in elevation, the scenery grew more beautiful. Although tired, I pressed on to get to the destination, the place where I would commune with My Father.

The quiet stillness took over and a calm peace settled over me in my journey. “Come away with me by yourself and get some rest,” I heard Him call (Mark 6:31). I had approached My Refuge, My Shelter and My Security. My Eternal Father was waiting there for me to draw near. I had felt compelled to join Him on His mountain. I poured my heart out before Him, “Lord of heaven and earth and of all creation, You are the only pure Love that I have ever known. I breathe in deep and You wash away all that the world has thrown upon these weary shoulders."

“Be still and know that I Am God,” He replied (Ps. 46:10). I felt a gentle ease come over me. Oh, His presence and His peace washed over me from head to toe. “I will bring you near and you will come close, for who are you that you will devote yourself to me?” declared the Lord (Jer.30:21). Oh Lord, “Send forth Your Light and Your Truth, let them guide me” (Ps 43:3).

I felt Him speaking that it was time to awake. “Arise, shine,” he said. I had a revelation of how He inhabits the praises of His people. He is enthroned upon our praises causing us to shine with His glory as we lift His Name up higher. As He searches the landscape to and fro for one whose heart is pure towards Him, I want to get His attention. “I long to bless you, My Child” (Is.30:18).

My Father, I will actively accept and receive all that I can handle from You. I will arise and shine and take Your Light to the dying world.

“It is time to rebuild. See, I Am doing a new thing. It is time for you to contend for all that I have for you as Daniel did long ago. A new work is being birthed. I have called you to action. Take the first steps and I will guide you in all Truth toward the goal. There will be much labor, but the blessings will also be great. Trust me, My Child. Rest in Me. Abide in the Secret Place with Me, in the Shadow of My Wings. You are safe in Me, all of your needs are provided. I long to give you the desires of your heart, Little One.”

Mitzi Smith

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