Thursday, December 09, 2010

Faith's Mystery

Rebecca Stark from Rebecca Writes posted the following article earlier this week.  It bears repeating.  I love mystery and I rejoice in the mystery of our faith.

Rebecca writes:

At the right time, God sent his Son, and the Word who is from the beginning came into our history. The Word who was with God became God with us. This is a mystery of our faith: God who is eternal spirit became God in mortal flesh.

According to God’s plan, as the centerpiece of history, God the Son emptied himself. The One who created thrones and dominions and rulers and authorities, and who upholds them all by his powerful word, emptied himself by taking on the form of a servant. God-with-God and God-equal-with-God made himself nothing by adding rather than subtracting. This is a mystery of our faith: The Creator took on the likeness of his creatures.

For our salvation, the omnipotent One became weak and the self-existent One became subject to death. To make us rich, the heir of all things became poor. To destroy the one who has the power of death, the radiance of the Father’s glory veiled himself in humanity so that he could die. 

And in the mysterious wisdom of God, it is in the veiling of his glory that the Son showed God’s glory to us. “No one,” God told Moses, “can see me and live,” but in the Son, the image of the invisible God, we see the unseen One. In Jesus, who came to us from the Father’s side to show us God’s glory, we see “all God’s goodness pass before us.”  This is a mystery of our faith: We see the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

In the mystery of God’s will, for our sake, the exalted Son chose to make himself nothing and be born as one of us.  The one for whom and by whom all things exist came to die to free us from the fear of dying. This is a mystery of our faith: The Lord-of-all was born as Mary’s little son, bringing us salvation.

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