What a winter it’s been! Record snowfalls have kept us shovelling out from under the drifts. Just when you think the driveways and sidewalks are finally clear we get dumped on again. If you enjoy the white stuff you’re on cloud 9. If not, you wish the snow would stay up there in the clouds. Snow blower manufacturers are thrilled. Retailers have sold out of shovels several times already this winter. I’m praying for an early spring but I’m realistic enough to know it’s just a pipe dream.
Snowed under! It’s become a common phrase in these northern climes. Over the Christmas season we were snowed under with “to do” lists and festive events to fit into our hectic schedules. As we approach RSP deadlines and tax time (don’t remind me) accountants are snowed under with work.
With the wet, icy weather housewives are snowed under with laundry, cleaning and tending to sick kids. Writers are snowed under with stories to complete, articles to write, deadlines to meet. We can get snowed under with trials, sickness and burdens too heavy to bear.
Unfortunate, difficult, unplanned circumstances can paralyze us and render us helpless…but not hopeless.
In the midst of our blizzards there’s a God who rides with us through the storm. Nothing escapes His watchful eye. He will not leave us alone in the midst of life’s downpours. He has promised to never leave us or forsake us. He never will. His promises are certain. He cannot lie.
Feeling snowed under? Call upon the One who creates life and everything in it and walks with us through every trial. He will lift the clouds and send a rainbow…in His time.
“God's voice thunders in marvellous ways; he does great things beyond our understanding. He says to the snow, 'Fall on the earth,' and to the rain shower, 'Be a mighty downpour.'” – Job 37:5,6 (NIV)
© David W. Fisher – February 2009
and our turn is tomorrow- we already have a lot but we are sort of dug out- but weather man said not to put our shovels away- the good news is that the same God who gives us snow will melt the snow for our crops - amen
ReplyDeletehugs from Meme
Getting through unfortunate, difficult, unplanned circumstances only makes you stronger and wiser!