With so many "new" gods these days, we need to determine where our allegiance lies and stand for truth in the midst of all the perversions.
It's frightening to see how large a following Oprah Winfrey and her latest flavor of the month, Eckhart Tolle, have garnered. Their "cyberchurch" is numbering in the millions.
"Father, give us discernment during these troubled times. May we seek after truth and follow the One who said, I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God and God, the Son. AMEN!"
These random scribblings were born out of my concern:
God, we know, is awesome, holy,
Not the god of Eckhart Tolle;
He, the Sovereign, reigns on high,
Those who trust Him never die.
God, we know, is faithful, mighty,
Not the god of Oprah Winfrey;
His Son Jesus died one day
Now He is the only Way.
God, we know, must get the glory
His Word, truth, inerrant wholly;
Trustworthy in every line
How I love to call Him mine.
He, with passion, we pursue,
Not some strange New Age guru,
He's my King, Ancient of Days,
To this God, I give my praise.
~ David W. Fisher, April 27th, 2008
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