This is a photo of the end of mom's dining room table. She reads, writes, prays, pays her bills, does her homework for the ladies' Bible study at the church and eats her meals from this hallowed spot.
It's from this corner of the dining room and this end of the table that letters are written that find their way into the hands of missionaries and God's servants all over the world. Imagine! A note written from this table can mean the difference between a missionary giving up and returning home, due to discouragement, or staying the course and laboring on for Jesus. Mom is the last one to think that she does anything special but Christians around the world can attest to the fact that "little is much when God is in it".
Yes, mom is a true prayer warrior, an encourager and a godly woman. Her home is her castle and this corner of her home is where much is accomplished that will reap a harvest in a coming day.
I love you, mom! Thanks for your godly example!
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