For the past several days we used a molded plastic folding table and some folding chairs. As I sat down to a delicious meal provided by friends from our church I noticed that brand name of the table...molded into the plastic..."GRACIOUS LIVING". With an inaudible chuckle I thought "Gracious Living"? We just sold a dining room suite that more closely resembled "gracious living" than this cheap table does.
We forgot to bring our fancy table with us yesterday (we still have a few small things to move). So...this morning we didn't have any table so we used the piano bench.
I got to wondering..."What did the children of Isreal use when they ate the manna that God provided every day"? Did they have tables or did they sit on the ground?
Gracious living? As believers in Jesus Christ we are the recipients of God's amazing grace. By appropriating His grace we are able to rise above the daily frustrations that accompany a move like we just made.
But we must appropriate...and that's where I struggle.
Note: The accompanying photos are not the actual tables which we have used in the past week.
David, I hope you enjoy many wonderful meals around your 'new' table surrounded by the people you love the most! Thanking God for His grace along with you!