Tuesday, April 13, 2010



We all have memories.  Good ones!  Bad ones!

During my rehab for depression at the ranch in Arkansas I wrote the following poem.

I trust that it will be a blessing to you today:


When faith has been shattered
And all hope seems gone,
Your life's filled with gloom and despair;
Remember that others
Have fought the same fight,
Each moment the Father was there.

Your trial seems unique and
You're so overwhelmed,
You think you've been left all alone;
Remember that others
Have walked the same road,
And somehow have found their way home.

The terrors and heartaches
You battle each day,
Have purpose that you cannot see;
Remember that Jesus
Stands waiting for you,
I know 'cause He's done it for me.

So don't waste your sorrows
And give up the fight
For someday you will see His hand;
Remember that you will
Be able to say...
"I've been there and I understand."


  1. What a beautiful poem, David. I pray that your hard fought battles are behind you .. and that you always and forever 'remain in His grip' ..

  2. what truth ... and it could only be told by a heart that experienced it ...

    blessings on you ...

  3. Thank you David, for this beautiful poem. It truly express what so many of us have come out of, with His love and help.
