Marion Perrott Donaldson
My candle flickered in the gloom
as, huddled in my dismal room,
I gloated in its warmth and light,
a golden circle in the night.
A gentle knock came at my door.
A sweeter Voice than heard before
said, "May I share my Light with you?
My Life is full; My Love is true!"
A harsh voice whispered, 'Keep Him out!
He means to snuff your candle out,
and take your warmth and light away,
Or - wait, at least some other day.'
My choice I made. My door flung wide.
I welcomed Christ Himself inside.
All shadows fled before His Face.
His Love now warms my dwelling-place.
Penned years ago by Marion Donaldson as an expression of her experience when she came to know the Lord as her beloved Saviour.
Marion's son Stephen works with me at FRIENDS Peterborough.
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