Thursday, May 10, 2012

Grace Flowing

As a lifelong collector of good, meaningful quotes, I was pleased to come across this one today:

"Grace is like flows downhill...and pools in the lowest places." - Source unknown

I'm so grateful that God's grace is available in abundance for those who are disadvantaged, marginalized, left out, homeless, forgotten, passed by and generally cast out by society in general.

Wherever you find yourself today, God's amazing grace is available without reserve.  The One who created you stands ready to help you and give you more than you could ever imagine.

He had given you a written guarantee that says..."My grace is sufficient for YOU.  For My strength is made perfect in your weakness." - 2 Corinthians 12:9 (paraphrased)

1 comment:

  1. Hope you won't mind if I post the quote about grace as my F/B status. Will mention, of course, that it was taken from your blog.
