I subscribe to The Blazing Centre so I get Stephen & Mark Altrogge's posts in my e-mail box each time they write a new one. They are always excellent and throught-provoking by the wayes.
Here's Mark's latest offering:
"Baby, You're a Rich Man." So goes one of my favorite Beatle songs.
I don’t know how it feels to be one of the beautiful people (first line in the song), but I’m a rich man. Not monetarily, but spiritually. And if you’re a child of God, you’re rich too.
If there’s one thing the health and wealth guys have right, it’s that God is rich. And he’s generous. Combine the fuel of God’s wealth with the fire of his generosity and you’ve got an explosion of blessing for us who realize we have nothing to offer the galaxy-Maker, but that he has the storehouses of heaven to shower on us.
"To me, though I am the very least of all the saints, this grace was given, to preach to the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ." (Eph 3.8)
The whole universe can’t hold the wealth of Christ, for his riches are “unsearchable” - immeasurable, unimaginable, unfathomable. If the whole universe were bursting with treasure, jewels, crowns and coins, we could eventually search them all out, given enough time. But for all eternity we’ll keep discovering new troves of treasures in Christ, for they are “unsearchable.” After 10,000 years, we won’t even have made a dent exploring the vastness of God’s glory in Jesus.
And because believers are joined to Christ, all that is Christ’s is ours!
So what do you need today? Do you need mercy? Ask for it and don’t expect a mere trickle - Jesus has a tsunami of mercy for you. Need comfort? Faith? Wisdom? Strength? Jesus has unlimited supplies. God’s not like the shopping network. He never runs out, never has to back order. There are no hidden shipping charges - his riches are all free! The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases. His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning. Great is his faithfulness.
Take heart today. Jesus is a vast storehouse of joy, mercy, and help for you.
As John Bunyan said, "God has bags and bags of grace stored up for you."
Baby, you’re a rich man.
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