Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Driveway Full of Trucks...Sky Full of Stars

This afternoon, after a full day of learning (a Non-Violent Crisis Intervention course), I returned home to a driveway filled with three furnace repair trucks and the fire chief's emergency vehicle. My immediate reaction was, 'now what?'. One of the repairmen greeted me with the news that our furnace (which we have been having trouble with lately) was, in fact, shot. Finished! Done! And it's only nine years old!

Going to the basement of our home I found two other repairmen, the fire chief and his deputy discussing the situation. My mind flashed back to the fire we had 10 years ago just after moving to our home. Certainly not fond memories! So, we're without a furnace for a few days until we decide what route to take. And it's cold here in our part of the world! Oil again, propane or natural gas? I hate making decisions! Will I make the right one? Just another frustration on top of the other things we're already dealing with.

The Signature of Our Mighty Creator

As I left the house tonight to pick up an electric heater in town, I looked heavenward to a dark sky strewn with glittering stars. My immediate reaction was, 'God is still on His throne, the stars that He hung in space are out tonight, and everything is alright in God's heaven!'. He knows all about our furnace (and everything else) and He will provide strength during this trial. God speaks loud and clear in the midst of our struggles.

I'm back home now with a fire blazing in the wood stove, extra blankets on the kids' beds and the ominous thought that tomorrow I have an important decision to make.

How do people without a relationship with a loving, caring God ever get through these uncertain times? I just don't know! But I do know that the God who created me, loves me and will somehow meet every need. He has never failed and this will NOT be the first time! He never will!

The heavens are filled with declarations of the Father's love tonight and I can trust Him with every need and every decision.

How about you?

1 comment:

  1. Yes, He will. He has in my life, also. I would go with natural gas, because electric heaters are too expensive, oil in the $40+ a barrel, and natural gas is more readily available and safer. Just makes sure there are no leaks in the heater! Good maintenance will take care of that. Funny, isn't it? That a girl knows anything about a heater! Hehehe. God bless you.
